Diabetes can affect your general health in a number of ways and so it is essential to keep it under control with regular monitoring, eye checks and diabetic retinopathy screening. Elevated blood sugar levels can lead to damage in the small blood vessels of the eye and retina. This may lead to new, abnormal vessels growing which can bleed, cause scarring, traction, retinal detachment and further damage to the retina. This is called ‘diabetic retinopathy’ and while it can be managed, the best treatment is prevention by tight blood sugar control and close monitoring of the diabetes. Diabetes can also cause swelling of the macula (diabetic macula oedema), cataracts, glaucoma and damage to nerves
The NHS offers FREE annual diabetic eye screening appointments. Your eyes will be dilated and the back of your eyes photographed and examined. Early detection of any retinopathy or other problems is crucial to prevent long term damage and vision loss.
If you have diabetes, the most important things you can do are:
- Optimise blood sugar levels and ensure tight range control
- Ensure blood pressure is well controlled
- Stop smoking
- Healthy diet and regular exercise
- Attend your annual diabetic eye screening / examination
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch or contact your GP
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